HOLMES GROOVE RICHARD   : Tell it Like it Tis
General Conditions    
Cover/Label Visual Grading    
    Slight wear along the spines, short cuts; yellowing on back paper, with a little mention of ring wear
Item Visual Grading    
    Played very few Times , plays great except Licks a Plaenty with some clic and pops
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Original gatefold cover
Year : 1967
Catalog Number : PJ-10105
Country : USA
Cover/Label Short Grading : VG
Record Short Grading : VG
Gradings, Payments & Shippings    
Gradings : for details go please at my Web Page
Payment and Shipping info : for details go please at my Web Page
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Click on to listen Licks a Plenty

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Price : € 14,99 ($ 19,04)
Available quantity : 1
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