THE ARMADA ORCHESTRA   : Philly Armada/For the Love of Money
General Conditions    
Cover/Label Visual Grading    
    Original Company Cover
Item Visual Grading    
    A "X" with indelible Pencil on side A , and a Sticker Removed Area on Side B slight visible; Wax is excellent
click picture to enlarge
click picture to enlarge

Label : T.K. RECORD
Year : 1977
Catalog Number : TKD-20
Country : USA
Cover/Label Short Grading : VG+
Record Short Grading : VG
Gradings, Payments & Shippings    
Gradings : for details go please at my Web Page
Payment and Shipping info : for details go please at my Web Page
click picture to labels and listing
Click picture to labels and listing

All items are ORIGINAL guaranted unless where stated !!
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