MIAMI SOUND MACHINE   : You've Broken my Heart/Live Again
General Conditions    
Cover/Label Visual Grading    
    Some wears here and there, and along the spines
Item Visual Grading    
    Great shape , without evident signs of use, surface clean , it appear played very few Times; rare soul disco item
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click picture to enlarge


Produced by Carlos Oliva and Thomas Fundora. A Side is written by A.Carlos Jocafi
Audio Latino Recording out from Hialeh Florida
Year : 1978
Catalog Number : AU 285
Country : USA
Cover/Label Short Grading : VG
Record Short Grading : VG+
Gradings, Payments & Shippings    
Gradings : for details go please at my Web Page
Payment and Shipping info : for details go please at my Web Page
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Click picture to labels and listing

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Click on to listen You've Broken my Heart

What You Hear is what You get
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All items are ORIGINAL guaranted unless where stated !!
Price : € 10,99 ($ 13,96)
Available quantity : 1
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